When you study in the United Kingdom, you may be eligible for student finance. As a student, you may be able to borrow money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs. You might even be eligible for extra money on top of this, for example if you’re on a low income or have children. For an estimate on how much money you might able to get, please refer to this official student finance calculator.

You start repaying the loan after you earn above a certain amount. The size of your monthly repayments will depend on how much you earn, not what you owe. There is a threshold for your weekly or monthly income and you do not pay anything back if your income is less than that threshold. You pay back only 9% of the amount you earn above the threshold, for undergraduate studies. For a postgraduate loan, you only pay back 6% of the difference between your income and the threshold.

Whether you qualify for student finance depends on:

  • Your university or college
  • Your course
  • If you’ve studied a higher education course before
  • Your age
  • Your nationality or residency status

To find out if you are eligible or if you have any other questions please feel free to contact us.

Below you can see a timeline of the full student finance application process. When you apply to a university or college through us, we will take care of the whole student finance application process for you.

If you would like to learn more, visit https://www.gov.uk/.