
How to network as a student (Anglia Ruskin University Edition)

Networking as a student is a great way to learn about organizations and gain industry insights. It can help you to investigate opportunities and is invaluable whilst job hunting. It need not be scary and is really about building connections and genuine relationships.

As a student, networking is an excellent approach to learn about specific companies and obtain business knowledge. It can assist you in researching opportunities and is really useful during job looking. It doesn’t have to be terrifying, and it’s all about making genuine connections.

LinkedIn is an excellent place to start. This is a risk-free networking opportunity! Attend one of the Employability Service sessions if you’re a student at ARU and don’t already have a LinkedIn profile. Come to one of our Be Your Best seminars to learn how to build your network, or come to one of our Drop-In meetings for guidance. Connect with your classmates, professors, friends, distant relatives, and parents’ pals.

Use LinkedIn’s University Alumni feature. Find ARU graduates who have completed the same degree. What are they doing and where do they work? Is this something that you’re interested in learning more about? If that’s the case, write them a message describing who you are and inviting them to connect. Try searching for HR managers or other experts in your field of interest on LinkedIn.

The company sites on LinkedIn are a treasure of information, and they’re particularly handy for checking out their most recent job openings and the backgrounds of the people they hire. If you’re already a student at ARU, you can join student-run organizations and attend our Employability activities on campus.

Volunteering and attending presentations are both excellent ways to meet new people. If you’re attending a networking event, make sure you do your homework first. Have a clear notion of who you want to talk to, why you’re interested in the company, and how you’re going to approach them. Prepare what you’re going to say; if you need support, the Career Centre’s Elevator Pitch Builder can help.

One of the most common errors people make is failing to introduce themselves. At a career fair, I overheard a fascinating conversation between an employer and a student. They only realized the student’s name after he had gone away, despite the fact that they had discussed a fantastic summer placement possibility and the employer had urged him to contact him!

Have the bravery to attend events; if you’re worried, bring a friend along for support. With practice, networking becomes a lot easier! It doesn’t have to be official, of course. Conversations with people at the coffee machine or in the lunch line can sometimes be just as valuable.

Best of luck, and have fun expanding your network!

How to network as a student (Anglia Ruskin University Edition)2021-08-20T11:44:58+00:00

8 reasons to study a computing degree

Are you thinking about pursuing a degree in computer science, information technology, or data analysis? It’s simple to understand why. The core of any successful firm is computing, and the job market is booming. Computing is a wonderful choice for you if you want to remain ahead of the curve and analyse the latest technology in a variety of intriguing industries.

But knowing about cutting-edge corporate computing theory is only the beginning. Because case studies, projects, dissertations, and portfolios are common features of computer science and IT degrees, you can apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

There are numerous benefits to studying computers, ranging from managing IT systems to directing a company’s strategic aims. If you’re still debating your options, read our guide below to learn more about what to expect as a computer student.

Computing degrees are among the most popular courses of study worldwide. If you’re interested in technology, you’re certainly aware that bachelor’s and master’s degrees in IT disciplines can lead to a range of exciting and profitable jobs.

Are the benefits, however, sufficient to compensate for the difficult classes and projects? Continue reading to learn about the top reasons to study computing at university.

  1. The field of computing is ever-evolving.

Computing and information technology are present in almost every aspect of our lives, from the cars we drive and the movies we watch to the ways businesses and organisations operate. Understanding the various aspects of computing allows you to go above and beyond in a technologically driven environment. Whether you want to work as a data scientist, create the next big social media app or video game, or simply understand what it means when someone says, “My computer isn’t working,” a computing degree will provide you with the skills you need to thrive. And, because it’s a field that’s always changing, growing, and developing, this fast-paced industry shows no indications of slowing down anytime soon.

  1. Computer abilities can be used in a variety of situations.

If you wish to work in the field of computer science, you’ll need to become an expert in particular skills. Any degree in computing will provide you with unrivalled transferable abilities, providing you an advantage on your CV and in job applications. Regardless of which degree you enrol in, you’ll learn about critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical research. Whether you’re preventing hackers from entering your company’s firewall, troubleshooting a programme, or creating a new website from scratch, these abilities are crucial.

And the best part is that these abilities can be used to any IT position wherever in the world. In every country, programming languages are the same, and numerical data is the same. So, if you want a job were travelling and seeing new places is at the forefront of everything you do, a computing degree is a sure-fire way to get there.

  1. It’s an excellent subject for online learning.


Computers, networks, and software are all included in IT degrees. As a result, it makes perfect sense to pursue a computing degree online. We’re specialists in online learning at Arden University, and we can help you get the degree you want from the comfort of your own home, at a time and pace that suits you. The biggest benefit of earning a computer science degree online is the ability to set your own timetable. Perhaps you have a part-time or full-time job to keep, or other responsibilities to fulfil. These additional commitments will not be a problem with online courses. You’ll also be able to re-watch lectures or put your study on hold if anything comes up unexpectedly. A computer science degree can be challenging, so having the opportunity to replay a lesson whenever you need it might be a game-changer. For a flexible lifestyle, flexible learning is essential.

  1. Job security is better than it has ever been.

Over the previous ten years, computer science occupations have grown at an exponential rate, and this trend is projected to continue for many years. While workers in other industries may be concerned about their job security for a variety of reasons, individuals in IT and computer science can usually relax. Companies from all industries want the necessary technical infrastructure and software applications to support their enterprises as the world becomes increasingly dependent on all things digital. Companies are at risk of failing if they do not have it. As a result, computer science careers are more secure than ever before.

  1. Internships are in high demand.

In recent years, the period of unpaid internships appears to have passed, with more professional paid apprenticeships and internships being accessible – especially in the sector of computing. Many computer science degrees include internship possibilities, while others prepare you to start working immediately after graduation in an entry-level position. Searching a company’s website, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn for internships is the simplest way to find them. However, you might take a risk and personally contact hiring managers or senior executives. Many Fortune 500 firms are now offering fascinating internships as they seek for fresh, promising students who may one day join their teams. An internship, in the eyes of companies, is a long-term investment in your future at their organisation. So, if you can discover one that suits you and is relevant to your degree, you’re on your way to a bright career with a company you care about.

  1. The possibilities are limitless

Not only are computing professions among the highest-paying and most-satisfying, but the opportunities that can arise as a result of a computing degree are limitless. The potential for future discoveries and improvements are predicted to be higher than they have ever been because numerous skillsets in the sector of IT and computers are intimately tied to innovation, development, and forward-thinking.

  1. Computer science jobs can be found almost anywhere.

There are currently more computing jobs available than qualified people to fill them. This has resulted in a skills shortage in the United Kingdom, providing students with even more motivation to pursue a computing degree. A less competitive market implies more options for employment, and with so many intriguing industries to choose from, your skills will never go to waste. With a degree in computer science or information technology, you might want to investigate the following jobs:

  • Data scientist
  • Software developer
  • Software tester
  • Web developer
  • Systems analyst
  • IT systems manager
  • Product manager
  • Business analyst
  • Graphic designer
  • Computer engineer
  1. Salaries in the computing field are greater than the national average.


We’re not arguing that a job should solely be about the money; regardless of your pay, you should be doing something you enjoy. When it comes down to it, your salary is what pays for your lifestyle, and a profession in computer science can certainly make your life more comfortable. In the United Kingdom, the average wage is £31,461. The average starting income for a software developer is around £35K, whereas a programmer’s typical starting salary is around £57K. That’s a lot of money for someone who’s just getting started.


8 reasons to study a computing degree2021-08-13T10:44:32+00:00

Tips for coping with your mental health while at university

Have you ever been pent up in your room because you’re afraid to meet someone new? Maybe you don’t want to tarnish your comforts because you like them. I can only imagine you having butterflies and possibly feeling queasy because of your social anxiety. You want this new place/person to bring you joy, but you’re too afraid.


Do you ever feel worried and dizzy during exam season? That’s your exam anxiety speaking. It could be so severe that you pass out during the exam. That’s quite normal; it happens to the best of us. This does not make you stupid or a loser; rather, it demonstrates how hard you worked, but most likely overworked yourself.


Do you ever feel like your heart is racing, you’re weak, and every negative experience you’ve had is flooding back, causing you to cry? That’s anxiousness; it’s not always visible, so you may believe you’re fine when you’re not. It’s not just rocking back and forth; there’s more to it, and it might arise from any circumstance you’ve encountered.


Daunting I know.


These are only a few of the many scenarios that a student may have encountered; I just want you to realize that every student has a unique tale to tell, so don’t feel obligated to relate. I know what I’m talking about since I’ve been there. I had an incredible time at ARU; I gained lifelong friends and lost ones who I assumed would be there. In the second year, I excelled, but in the first year, I struggled to establish my footing. Although I suffer from anxiety, I am also a social butterfly.


So here are some tips to keep you steady for your university years.


  1. Prioritize yourself

This is a must. I get that you want to help your pals, but if you’re anything like me, it can become draining after a time. It doesn’t mean you don’t help; it just means you know when to draw the line, so no one takes advantage of you.


  1. Take frequent pauses

Speaking as someone who enjoys putting in a lot of effort. Breaks are necessary for your body’s health. Pay attention to your body. If you’re fatigued, get some rest, and find something pleasant to do, such as reading or listening to music. Put on your face masks and listen to Hozier while shrieking like me or singing wonderfully if you’re talented. Sigh. Play some video games to disconnect from the world, or kick a ball and study self-defence? If you’re making yourself comfortable.


  1. Recognize when you’re thinking requires assistance

If you’re always sad, furious, or stressed out, there’s a good chance you’re depressed. Seek assistance. This is something I cannot emphasize enough. I know how long it took me to get to counselling, but if you have one, keep seeing him or her. They can assist you if you lose control. Not being able to control something is something I despise. I’ve been quite fortunate in that the university provides a counselling and well-being program. If you ever need assistance, they offer drop-in services, after-hours helplines, and sessions. So go ahead and give it a shot.


  1. Push yourself out of your comfort zone

Staying within your comfort zone might sometimes put you in a bad scenario. You might be out socializing, but you choose to keep to yourself, which could make you even more depressed. You could be in a dangerous situation and refuse to seek aid, which would only injure you in the long run. Get out there, meet friends, visit new places, and try new things so you can see that life is more than just comfort.


  1. Continue to be active

This leads me to my final point, which is related to the prior one. University is a place where you can meet new people and have new experiences. It provides a wealth of opportunities for each learner to discover. There are so many groups and clubs offered by the Students’ Union that no student would ever feel out of place.


Show off your skills and meet new people through your favourite sports or join a society that interests you and meet a bunch of random people who are so unlike you that you learn a lot from them.


It’s critical to take time for yourself since time flies when you’re busy, and you’ll become fatigued after a while. Listen to your body and seek assistance if necessary.


Laugh, find humour in the small things, grin wide, and overcome these years.


Good luck! You’ve got this!

Tips for coping with your mental health while at university2021-08-06T12:15:20+00:00

Life on Lockdown: What Does it Look Like for an Arden Student?

With multiple countries currently in some form of lockdown, life is a world away from normal for many people at the moment – but how exactly is the Coronavirus pandemic affecting students at Arden University?

With parents having to tackle the challenge of home-schooling and full-time and part-time workers adjusting to their new normal – whatever that may be – throw a qualification into the mix, and that’s a whole lot to handle right now!

Thankfully, with adjustments made for Blended Learning students, all of Arden’s degrees are currently taught entirely online, making life that little bit easier for students currently juggling different commitments.

We caught up with four Arden students from around the UK and abroad to discover what life in lockdown looks like for them.


Danniela is currently in her second year of her LLB and would usually attend face-to-face classes twice a week at our Birmingham study centre.

For the time being, she has moved home with her parents while the UK remains in lockdown: “It’s a small, peaceful town and I think it is the best place to be during this lockdown.”


Last year, Nikki graduated from Arden with an HND in Travel and Tourism Management and she’s now studying towards her Business Top-Up via Distance Learning.

As an onboard Purser for a major airline, Nikki is normally extremely busy commuting from her home in the Netherlands to destinations worldwide; however, she has been placed on furlough in light of Covid-19 and is currently enjoying the extra time she’s getting to spend on her studies.

“I feel very grateful for the fact that my Distance Learning hasn’t been affected and in these uncertain times, it has been a great support to have my study to focus on, as well as spending more precious time with my family,” Nikki says.

Here are two wonderful examples of how our students have been able to continue their studies throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.

Life on Lockdown: What Does it Look Like for an Arden Student?2021-07-09T11:59:45+00:00

5 Reasons Why You Should Study Health & Social Care

With the pandemic taking over the world, Healthcare in every country has become paramount and we have come to truly appreciate our key Healthcare workers and thank them for all that they have done and continue to do. In England, we are lucky to be taken care of by the NHS and they have done everything to try and protect the country and its citizens to the highest of standards. Although the pandemic has had a huge impact on everyone’s lives, it has also had its benefits in the world of Healthcare. Many individuals have felt inspired by the recent events and decided that they too would like a path in Healthcare. Which why we encourage you to read today’s blog post on 5 Reasons Why You Should Study Health and Social Care. Healthcare is the backbone of each country, which is why it is important to understand why Health & Social is important.

A Rewarding Career

It has been spoken about before, but becoming a Healthcare Professional has been known to be one of the most rewarding careers. You are helping and aiding some of the most vulnerable people in society. You receive a great amount of job satisfaction as you’re able to make a huge impact in people’s lives on a daily basis. Caring for others and seeing your patients go from strength to strength because of the work and commitment you give is very rewarding and fulfilling.

Great Development Opportunities

Not only is working in Healthcare very rewarding, it also is a career which allows for career progression. Within Healthcare, there is a variety of positions that you can thrive in, you don’t have to stick to one career path within the Healthcare industry. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is important and highly valued within the NHS, not only for career progression but to ensure staff are kept up-to-date with relevant skills and regulations to maintain patient safety

Global Opportunities

We have already gone over the different development opportunities available within the NHS, however, with a Health and Social Care Degree, you are able to progress within your career globally too. the healthcare education provided in the UK is highly advanced so that if you were to seek opportunities and experience overseas you would be competent and able to pursue it. Many students often take up opportunities to complete work experience in other countries to help expand their knowledge and treat different conditions and individuals.

Every day is different

One of the great things about pursuing a career in Healthcare is that no two days are the same. You will be caring for different patients, with different needs and requirements. You never know where the day is going to take you and what problems you will be required to solve. This aspect of the job keeps it interesting and motivating because you never quite know what to expect.

A Growing Sector

We know there are great career progression opportunities, but it’s also a growing sector. A career in Health & Social Care offers long-term employment prospects, with opportunity for promotion and progression as well as job security. According to the NHS Jobs website, there are around 25,000 vacancies advertised every month and in July 2020, 1.3 million people were employed by the NHS.

It is an industry that’s always in demand. If you are the right person, with the right attitude and higher education, there are countless opportunities to get!

5 Reasons Why You Should Study Health & Social Care2021-07-06T15:11:02+00:00

4 Excellent Ways to Connect Your Studies to the Workplace

Getting started on your career planning might be a difficult undertaking. It can be difficult to know where to begin, especially with so much information available.

The most essential thing to remember is that there is no need to rush; just because you don’t have a clear career path in mind doesn’t imply you’re behind or lost. It just means you have a lot of possibilities to start figuring out what this might entail for you. If you have a certain goal in mind, you’ll have lots of opportunity to get started right away!

What we’re saying is that no matter where you are in your career planning, there are things you can do to help your future and connect what you’re learning to the real world.

Employers tell us that the candidates who stand out are those who are familiar with the industry, have a strong desire to advance in the field, and can demonstrate some level of passion and ownership over their work. That may appear to be a lot, but getting started is as easy as following a few simple steps!

What are the advantages of combining studies and work?

By gradually integrating your studies to the world of work, you will have a solid understanding of your chosen field, gain experience, and be able to wow employers by speaking fluently about what you know when you begin attending interviews.

Other advantages include:
1. Provides realistic learning experiences: Rather than just theorising or guessing about what it’s like to work, you’ll gain real-life experiences that will help you improve personally and professionally.

2. You’ll gain a “big picture” view of a career path or work title: We often think about a career path or job title in tiny ways, but when you get adequate exposure, you’ll see how broad a career may be and what you should start doing now to prepare for your journey.

3. It can help you discover new career paths: Connecting with the world of work can help you grasp how a certain industry or sector has evolved, as well as all the new positions that are accessible that you might not be aware of otherwise.

How can you apply what you’ve learned in school to the workplace?

It doesn’t have to be difficult to connect with the world of work. If you’re unsure where to begin, start small and gradually gain confidence. Here are our top four suggestions for bridging the gap between your academics and the workplace. All of these can be beneficial and are worth investing in as you progress through your academic and professional lives:

1. Research in the Industry
Industry research can involve things like:

* Viewing documentaries
* Viewing documentaries
* Participating in relevant short courses or online workshops
* Researching the world’s largest corporations in the field
* Reading professional profiles of prominent persons in the field
* Where applicable, visiting relevant organisations (such as museums or galleries) to learn about the industry’s history.

The goal is to provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge that will give you the confidence to explore this industry as a career option.

2. Workshops and Career Fairs
Career fairs are an excellent location to learn more about certain sectors and job prospects. You should try to fill in any gaps in your knowledge by asking specific questions like:

* The subjects you should study and the marks you should strive for.
* Not just university, but other options for pursuing specialised jobs .
* Find out who in your area is offering the courses you want. For an entry-level employee, job growth and compensation aspirations are expected.

Asking these questions will provide you the knowledge you need to stay on track and have a solid backup plan in case you don’t receive the grades you want. It might also be tremendously encouraging to hear that the industry you’re interested in has a lot of room for growth and offers decent pay for newcomers!

3. Observation at work
Job shadowing is spending a day or a few days in the workplace to observe what people in the career you’re interested in perform on a daily basis.

It’s a great opportunity to see a role in action while also being low-pressure — there’s no pressure to get involved if you’re nervous; you’re there to observe, learn, and decide whether you want to pursue further work experience.

This is also a good time to ask some more pointed inquiries regarding this profession. Consider the following:

* What are your top three pieces of advice for someone starting off like me?
* In my studies, what subjects should I concentrate on?
* How did you get started, and what mistakes did you make along the way that you learned from?
* Is there anything more I can study now that I won’t learn in school that will help me succeed in this field?

4. Professional Experience
The next stage is to gain some work experience once you’ve gotten a strong grasp on the industry.

Work experience is an important component of the jigsaw since it allows you to use all of the knowledge you’ve gained thus far in the job. If you’ve followed the steps above, a lot of your learning will be theoretical at this point — job experience allows you to fully immerse yourself in the material and become hands-on!

Reflect on your work experience and ask yourself the following questions:

* What was the one thing I wasn’t expecting?
* In what areas do I need to expand my knowledge?
* What areas did I succeed in?
* What career paths in this field are associated with my strengths?
* What are some things I can accomplish on my own time that don’t require me to be at work?

Inquire about these questions with your supervisor and coworkers. The more you seize this opportunity to learn everything you can about the industry and yourself, the better your chances of success will be!

4 Excellent Ways to Connect Your Studies to the Workplace2021-06-24T11:22:36+00:00

Tips for Writing Assessments

Writing exams is something that most of us dread, and the prospect of having to write 2000 words might be intimidating. However, knowing that many of us are in the same boat can be beneficial, as can learning how to write effectively and efficiently. Assessments can take a long time to complete, but the relief you will experience once they are through is priceless. But what if we could assist you in reducing your anxiety about beginning an assessment? We have compiled a handy collection of pointers to assist you with your assessment writing!

  1. Focus on the Topic

When it comes to writing evaluations, it is essential to prepare a list of the topics you want to cover. These bullet points assist you in focusing on the subject at hand. Every evaluation is unique and focuses on different themes, therefore planning around your points is beneficial. Once you have covered all the points you need to cover, try to expand on them. For example, if you had a Business Law assessment due and you had a point for your answer, expand on it and take it to a new level. By doing so, you are demonstrating to the tutor/examiner that you have thoroughly investigated each point and are completely engaged on the assessment.

  1. Quality, not Quantity

Exploring points is usually a wonderful idea, but have you heard the expression “Quality, not Quantity?” True, your instructor can tell when you are dragging out your points by including irrelevant information. Stick to the point you want to make, go into detail about it, but only if it needs to be explored; if the argument does not need to be taken any further, there is no use in waffling. Yes, you may have a word limit or a minimum that you must meet but keep your writing brief and as close to the topic as possible.

  1. Include different level of sentences

Including a variety of sentences in writing tests, especially English tests, is a terrific idea. Long and short sentences are included. These support your views in a different way, demonstrating to your tutor that you can explain your idea in detail as well as in a concise manner. Using varying sentence lengths gives your assessment more depth and makes it more interesting to read.

  1. Provide both sides to the argument

Obviously, only if the evaluation necessitates it. Many tests require students to argue both for and against a given question. If you are asked to do so, make sure you raise both sides of the argument to a high level by making strong and concise points. Make the points for that side stronger if you notice that one side outweighs the other. You will also need to state which side of the debate you agree with while completing your assessment. Rounding up the points in your favour will demonstrate to the instructor that you have carefully considered both sides of the debate and reached an effective conclusion.

  1. Consistency with Tenses

Moving back and forth between the past and present tenses can be a challenge for students. It is advisable to use either the present or past tense when writing an appraisal. If your examination needs you to flip between the past and present tenses, make sure you do so properly because doing so poorly can be rather confusing for the reader.

  1. Plan, Draft, Read and Edit

Plan, draught, read, and modify your assessment are the most critical things you can accomplish. Make a detailed plan for all your points, ensuring that they are in the proper order and flow smoothly. Then draft, write as many drafts as you need, it is with a draft that you can make the changes you need to make your assessment the best possible. Next, read and reread your judgments several times, as well as reading them aloud. You will be able to see grammar and punctuation errors and get a sense of how the tutor will read your assessment if you read it out loud. Finally, revise your assessment as much as you like; as you edit, you may discover that certain elements are redundant or that you want to add more.




New Alternative Path – Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degrees in the United Kingdom. September Intakes

British education is considered among the best in the world. Out of the top 100 universities in the world, 18 are located in the UK. It is no wonder students from all around the world decide to get their degrees in the UK. Most of them choose London as their destination and there are more international students in London than any other city in the world.

  1. Anglia Ruskin University

Location: Farrington (Central London); or East India Quay (East London).

Schedule: Two days or two evenings + Saturday.


  • BSc (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Business and Law with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Business and Events Management
  • BSc (Hons) Business and Marketing with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Business and Tourism with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) International Business Management with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Business and Healthcare Management with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Business and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Finance and Accounting with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
  • BSc (Hons) International Business Management with Foundation Year
  1. Arden University

Location: Holborn (Central London); Ealing (West London); Tower Hill (Central London).

Schedule: Two full days or two evenings.


  • BA (Hons) Business with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • BA (Hons) Healthcare Management with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • BA (Hons) Computing with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • LLB (Hons) Law/QLD with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • BA (Hons) Criminology and psychology with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  1. Regents College (University of Bolton)

Location: Euston (Central London); Kingsbury (North-west London); Wembley (North-west London)

Schedule: Two full days or four evenings.

  • Business Management with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • Health and Social Care with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  • Software and Engineering with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  1. London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA)

Location: Tower Hill (Central London)

Schedule: Two full days or two evening.

  • BA (Hons) Business Management
  • BA (Hons) Business Management with Foundation Year
  • BA (Hons) Hospitality Management
  • BA (Hons) Hospitality Management with Foundation Year
  • BA (Hons) Fashion Management and Marketing
  • BA (Hons) Fashion Management and Marketing with Foundation Year
  • BA (Hons) Fashion
  • BA (Hons) Fashion with Foundation Year
  • BA (Hons) Graphic Design
  • BA (Hons) Graphic Design with Foundation Year
  1. University of Wales

Location: Oval station (South-west London)

Schedule: During the weekend or two weekdays.

  • BSc (Hons) Cloud Computing
  • CertHE Skills for the Workplace
  • CertHE Skills for the Workplace (Health and Social Care)
  • BA (Hons) Business Management

The application process is quick and easy, and we are with you every step of the way! Most universities will require from you to pass the Interview process with one of their agents, as well as the completion of a short online test (DuoLingo), both activities are conducted online.

We will prepare you for your interview for FREE, and we guarantee your ‘pass’ for 90% of the cases.

The financial process is via Student Finance England. After submitting your application, for which we will help, you can get up to £12,000 Maintenance Loan, and full coverage of your Tuition Fees.

All we need to start the application process:

  • Passport or ID;
  • With or Without Diploma;
  • CV (for which we will help);
  • Proof of Address.

The intakes for September are now open! Apply today for a brighter tomorrow!

+44 7365225171





So you’ve submitted your applications, and now all you have to do is wait to hear back from institutions. But there is still a lot that can be done before those university offers begin to come in. Have you thought about being ready for university interviews? If you obtain a conditional offer, are you confident in your grades? If you have any doubts, you should look into the UCAS clearing process. Although the university admission process is complete, have you considered how to prepare for university? Have you made a list of everything you will need for university? Although university term times may appear to be a long way off, you would be amazed how quickly things get underway. So, when do colleges make offers? You might think that is a long time away, but depending on the course’s popularity, offers could be given out as soon as four weeks after the application deadline.

And, in cases where interviews are required, you may be invited along very fast – so be prepared to impress. For the first semester, university start dates normally fall between September and December, but it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the timetables by visiting the websites of your prospective universities. And here are just a few suggestions from students for you to consider over the following few months as you decide on the path your student life will follow.


Which of these abilities do you lack: cooking, sewing, ironing? If you’re leaving home to study, it’s important to start training your parents to help you become more self-sufficient.

  1. MONEY

Have you checked into your student loan to see how much you’ll receive and when it’ll be paid into the bank? If you will need to work part-time, now is the time to gather references.


With all of your belongings, how are you going to get there at first? And how easy is it to get around campus once you arrive? It is worthwhile to look at public transportation options.


If you are worried about meeting new acquaintances, consider looking into joining clubs and organizations or finding flat mates.


If you take medicine, make sure you have enough on hand before you leave, or find out how to register with a GP near campus.


Prepare a folder for digital copies of all important documents, such as student loan information, rental agreements, and university acceptance letters.

Above all, make the most of the time you have left at home. Make a list of email addresses or phone numbers so you don’t lose touch while you’re studying, and spend time with loved ones you won’t see for a while.

GETTING READY FOR UNIVERSITY2021-06-04T15:18:49+00:00

Graduate job prospects in England differ greatly, according to research.

According to data released by the Office for Students, there are significant disparities in performance between universities and topics.

According to data supplied by the Office for Students (OfS), the proportion of students in England who secure graduate-level jobs varies substantially between universities and disciplines studied, which is likely to fuel the government’s efforts to restrict admittance to “low-quality” courses.

Imperial College London graduates were the most likely to finish their studies and pursue a professional career or further education, with 92 percent doing so a year after graduation. raduates of the Royal College of Music and Oxbridge came in second and third, respectively.

On the other hand, less than half of degree holders from a number of well-known universities do the same.

According to the Office for Students, only a third of graduates from the University of Bedfordshire are employed or pursuing further education.

“This government has a manifesto pledge to combat low-quality higher education and drive up standards, and this data demonstrates there is much more work to be done,” Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, said.

“Our historic skills law clarifies the Office for Students’ capacity to take much-needed action in this area, including enforcing minimum criteria for institutions on course completion rates and graduate outcomes, and I eagerly await the results of this work.”

The higher education regulator’s estimates are based on data from students who graduated in 2018-19, with dropout rates from the previous year and their employment status 15 months after graduation factored in. Those who continue their education or leave the workforce for a variety of reasons are also counted.

Medicine, dentistry, and nursing, as well as veterinary sciences and economics, topped the list of topics that were most successful in getting students into graduate school. Graduates with a political science degree were more popular than those with a law degree. However, the OfS authorised fewer than half of students who took sociology, social policy, or anthropological courses.

The data showed “dramatic disparities” in outcomes depending on where students study and what they study, according to Nicola Dandridge, the OfS’s chief executive. “While we have no plans to use this measure for regulatory purposes,” Dandridge added, “we are determined to combat poor quality provision that gives people a bad deal.”

Many of the subjects at particular universities were too small to yield reliable findings. But among those who did, medicine and dental degrees at several universities had success rates of over 95%, with only graduates in economics and maths at Oxford interrupting the trend.

Universities that recruit students from underprivileged backgrounds, who are less likely to complete their degrees, are penalised, according to critics of the OfS numbers. Just 15% of students enrolled in the University of Bedfordshire’s business and management programmes achieved graduate-level achievements, and only a quarter of those who enrolled went on to graduate.

The data are also likely to skew the outcomes for graduates in fields like the creative arts, where freelancing or temporary work is significantly more common in the early stages of their careers.

The research also revealed that the university attended had a greater influence than the subject studied in many circumstances. Only 59 percent of students completing identical courses at the University of Southampton fulfilled the job criteria after graduation, compared to 85 percent of Oxford philosophy and religious studies graduates.

Other shocks emerged from the OfS tables: the University of Bath outperformed numerous members of the Russell Group of research universities, including Durham, Bristol, and Exeter.

Source: The Guardian ( ).

Graduate job prospects in England differ greatly, according to research.2021-05-28T14:30:21+00:00
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